Fluid Earth Viewer (FEVer) is an interactive web application that allows you to visualize current and past conditions of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
You can use FEVer to learn about the atmosphere and oceans by exploring the daily conditions in places where you live, work, and play or examining whole regions of the planet over years. In particular, FEVer provides hands-on visualizations of conditions in polar regions, changes they are undergoing, and connections between polar regions and the rest of the planet. Built on an open-source application, FEVer is a vehicle for modern Earth science communication, making information used by the scientific community accessible and engaging to everyone. FEVer is explorable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using your computer, tablet, and smartphone.
Our project team is working to remove obstacles to learning about our dynamic planet, Earth! In addition to the site, our team has created:
The team is comprised of multi-disciplinary researchers and educators from The Ohio State University committed to improving Earth Science and learning strategies in diverse education settings.
Members from OSU's Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center (BPCRC) bring their expertise in education and outreach, polar weather and climate, and computer information sciences. The team is also fortunate to have a member from OSU's School of Communication with a wealth of knowledge on user-testing and the effects and implications of new media technologies and virtual environments. Together, this team has extensive experience communicating with public audiences of all ages.
BPCRC Education & Outreach Director.
Oversees project and creation and field-testing of learning experiences.
School of Communication Associate Professor.
Oversees user-testing and virtual environment settings.
BPCRC Research Associate
Oversees code development and collaborates with J. Cervenec on field-testing and learning experiences.
BPCRC Senior Research Associate. Collaborates with J. Nicolas on code development and with J. Cervenec on field-testing and learning experiences.
In addition, the team depends on a talented group of undergraduates at The Ohio State University to assist in design of the user interface, conducting of user-testing, and organization of data: Bingyu (Sophia) Li, Dingyu Hu, Ruiyang Chang, Joey Wong, and Craig Bossley.
FEVer utilizes an enormous amount of scientifically complex data, allowing you to explore the interconnectedness of weather and climate, including between polar regions and the rest of the planet.
Data sets include: